Complete Performing Arts Training in
Malahide & Swords
What's involved?
The Drama House is proud to present its Performing Arts Academy with the TRIPLE TALENT classes on offer (Acting, Signing and Dancing). It is the complete performing arts training, perfect for every student who would like to have some fun, make friends, develop confidence and progress their performing arts skills. For our younger performers, there are dedicated Age 3 and age 4 classes on offer, with curriculum that is focused on creative play and learning Performing Arts skills through fun. For our students aged 5 - 18 years, we run a 2 hour class that contains a 40 minutes in each discipline, with a specialist teacher. Class sizes are kept small to ensure progression and your first class is free to try out!
Fun filled class is absolutely guaranteed!
When and Where?
Still not convinced?
Have a look at what some of our parents have to say...

Discipline Focused Class Malahide - Saturdays Pure Dance @ 10am Pure Drama @11am

Age: 3 & 4 Malahide Saturdays @ 10am, 11am & 12pm & Thursdays @ 12.30pm

Age 5 - 7 Swords Wednesdays (3.30 - 5.30) Malahide Thursdays (3-5 & 4.30 - 6.30) Saturdays (10am - 12pm, 1 - 3pm & 3.15 - 5.15pm)

Age 8 - 11 Swords Wednesdays (3.30-5.30) Malahide Thursdays (3 -5 & 3.30 - 5.30) Saturdays (1-3 & 3.15-5.15)

Age 12-18 Swords Wednesdays (4.30 - 6.30) Malahide Saturdays (3-5)