Terms and Conditions
These conditions have been put in place for the protection of the academy, teachers and students. ​To ensure Drama House runs smoothly and successfully, we ask that parents read and agree to our Terms and Conditions before enrolling in our academy.
All new students are eligible for a free trial lesson to decide if they like our service. This trial class offers a no obligation and can be accommodated at any point in the term, where possible and subject to availability.
We charge termly for our classes. If you join part way through a term, you will only be invoiced for the classes you have not yet attended.
Payment can be made by Cheque, Bank Transfer, Online or Cash (in a labelled envelope handed to the manager of that location).
If payment is not made by the end of the second week of term, we reserve the right to suspend classes until overdue payments are received.
Refund & Cancellation Policy - No refunds will be made of the deposit or full fee if place(s) cancelled within two weeks of the start of camp or term or for any missed days.
All teachers hold formal training in their discipline, are Garda Vetted through Drama House and have valid insurance through DH.
All staff read and sign our Safeguarding Policy annually and have completed Safeguarding training.
Physical contact may be necessary when a teacher is helping a student to correct a position or when demonstrating but this is conducted with professionalism.
We have Public Liability Insurance as Drama House Ireland.
Responsibilities of Parents/Guardians and Dancers
Enrolment into and attendance to our classes is seen as acceptance of these Terms and Conditions
Students must attend at least 50% of a terms lessons to take part in any of our special projects (shows/movie making). If Students are not in attendance, DH cannot guarantee participation.
Students must attend lessons in comfortable clothing and bring their own water.
Any rude or discriminatory behaviour to other pupils, parents or to teachers will not be tolerated.
Photographs or videos linked to Drama House should not be posted on social media. The only exception is if the photo/video is only of your child.
Teachers must be informed of any injury or illness that may impact the participation in class.
Please do not approach teachers in between classes unless it is urgent (i.e. to inform of an injury, illness or change of parent collecting). Email all queries to Sarah who will contact the teachers for you.
Please ensure we have the correct contact details for you and let us know as soon as they have changed.
Please keep up to date with important information via whats app groups, Facebook and the website.
Please ensure your children are respecting the environment of our halls, that they are safe and any rubbish is tidied away in the bins provided.
No responsibility is accepted by Drama House for any items lost or damaged, whether in class or in the changing room.
Drama House is not responsible for your children before, between or after lessons. Please ensure they are safe and ensure your son/daughter is collected promptly.
Photographs and Videos of students in class are captured on a Drama House phone, sent to the parents via a Whats app group and are then deleted.
First Aid and Insurance​
Drama House has Public Liability Insurance and Employers Liability Insurance
There will always be a First Aid Trained member of staff on site:
Any First Aid instances should be reported to Sarah so they can be recorded
Each teacher has their own first aid kit including ice pack and there is a communal first aid kit on site.
At Drama House we welcome people to attend and perform with us irrespective of where they live, their age, gender, sexuality, race, disability, educational attainment or economic circumstance.
We promote the safety of all students in our classes.
We believe that everybody has the capacity and the right to Perform.
Further safeguarding and child protection policy information can be found here:
​Child Protection for Parent & Guardians Updated Jan 2025
​Child Protection Policy Updated Jan 2025
Safeguarding Statement
Updated Jan 2025
​Principles of Good Practice
Updated Jan 2025