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Some of our fantastic reviews....

The Drama House has changed my child for the better. She is more outgoing, and happy, she is singing and dancing non-stop
Parent of a summer academy particpant

The Drama House ooze passion, its so obvious that the teachers love what they do. They're fantastic!
Parent of one of our Juniors

5* My daughter is 6 and she loves Drama House, she looks forward to Saturdays when she goes, she loves mixing with the other kids, the teachers are all lovely and do a great job - I think we're lifers!
Facebook review

My Daughter was very shy - almost mute in group situations. Last week I watched her sing and dance on stage, and both my husband and I cired when she said her line out loud in her scene. She has only been with Drama House for a few months - I am amazed!
Parent of a Junior
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